Wednesday, 30 October 2013

The last 35 days...

Hello all you lovely people! Granted, there has been no activity on this page since September, but let me insure you I have been extremely active!

I was hired as a Project Assistant for a local Arts Group to help out on their annual lantern festival.
I have been running workshops over the past five weeks in schools and local community centres for children and adults of all ages. The theme this year is "Carnivals and Carousels" and we have been creating lanterns based on imagery such as fairground rides/ side show tents/ things found at shows etc. Here are some of the photographs from the project.

We are using a local barn to construct the giant sculptures- some of them are a whopping 24foot high! this is a ghost train being made out of willow. the willow is covered in wet-strength tissue paper soaked with latex, which dries tight on the frame. It's surprisingly robust and gives a lovely finish. It will be quite a sight when it's all lit up from inside!

some details of the ghost train

Here is the Carousel horse I have been making. I have lovingly named him "The Hulk" since he is quite the huge horse. He is looking forward to having some legs soon and being covered in tissue and latex.

Here is another horse, constructed by Jane Mcinally- another artist in residence working on the project. Her horse naps on the floor, waiting patiently to be completely covered..